Today, sexual challenges are one of the main reasons couples who wants to save their relationship consult sex therapists. What with one partner in a high libido state and the other close to zero.
It’s normal for this trend to be seen in relationship and in this study, we’ll be sharing with you how you can deal with sexual challenges you could be facing with your partner.
Start out by doing the following :
1. What do you really want?
Is it sex? Or is it other needs: more fun together, non-sexual affection or proof of your partner’s love?
Despite desire differences, couples usually feel closer when they cuddle more, attend social events together and treat each other compassionately.
2. Negotiate a compromise frequency.
If one partner wants sex twice a week while the other is content with once a month, their average would be four or five times a month. But averages don’t matter. The solution is to find a frequency you both can live with.
3. Stick to your “encounter calendar” in good faith. Don’t bicker about your compromise schedule. Higher-desire folks must not whine for more sex. Lower-desire partners must not cancel sex dates or postpone them unreasonably.
4. Cuddle up.
Couples who initiate hugging, kissing or cuddling without fear of misinterpretation tend to resolve their desire challenges and marvel at how much they’ve missed nonsexual affection, even as they rediscover how crucial it is to the relationship — and to their own well-being.
5. “What if we have a date, and I’m not in the mood?” Lower-desire partners always ask this question, but the issue usually turns out to be less problematic than they fear. As scheduling reduces tension over sex, the relationship improves. This makes it more natural for the lower-desire partner to get psyched for sex.
Try this tips above and don’t forget to share with us your visible progress as you go along.